
  • All orders will be hand selected, checked and carefully packed out of our workshop here in Bristol, UK.
  • Order processing time is 1-3 working days from order confirmation.
  • We use Royal Mail to manage the delivery of your item.
  • Please review your delivery address before placing an order. We will not be responsible for non-delivery of orders where the delivery details have been entered incorrectly by the purchaser.
  • Orders to be delivered within the UK typically take 1-3 business days to arrive.
  • Orders to be delivered outside the UK typically take 5-7 business days to arrive.
  • Art Print orders to be delivered within the UK up to A3 size, will be carefully packaged in protective sleeve with rigid boards for protection and shipped flat. Works larger than A3 will be shipped carefully packaged in a toughened postage tube.
  • It is the customers responsibility to pay any import duties and taxes which might be applied to the order at customs, unfortunately none of our shipping rates will cover this as the amount can vary on the products ordered and the final delivery destination.
  • We will inform you once we have packaged and posted your order via email.
  • If your order is sent with tracking we will provide details on how you can track your delivery via email.
  • All orders will not include invoices or delivery notes, so please retain your email correspondence as proof of order and use the reference number if you need to contact us about your order.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with an order please contact us at